Exporting ColdFusion Scheduled Tasks

I had to move couple of CFM servers into AWS from our data center and there were quite a lot of scheduled tasks were in those servers.  With CF version update between old servers and new servers there weren’t an easy way to transfer CF administrator settings. A settings import and export function in CF admin would be a nice tool, even though there is infrequent need for something like that. Here is a couple of line of code to fetch ColdFusion Scheduled Tasks from a server and create set of <cfschedule> tags that you can use to run in a different server. This does not cover all possible attributes in <cfschedule> tags since I didn’t had a need for them all, but it do cover mostly used attributes. 

1 Comment :
Thursday 13 June 2013 12:14 PM
I was really searching for this one. Really useful piece of info. Thanks a lot !!!