Solved : ColdFusion ImageGetEXIFMetaData() Error

It seems working with EXIF like a game of whac-a-mole. Everyone have their own standards and when you settle one, something different show up some other place. To be fair to EXIF standards, this is not unique to EXIF. Even simple dateformat() are all over the place. CF9 and 10 ImageGetEXIFMetaData() function use metadata-extractor-2.4.0-beta-1 by Drew Noakes and current version is 2.6.4.

If you use ImageGetEXIFMetaData() function heavily, it is always better to keep up to date version in the CF engine since new cameras might come up with something different causing ImageGetEXIFMetaData () to fail. To do that, download the newest new version of metadata-extractor, go into your existing metadata-extractor-2.4.0-beta-1.jar com\drew\metadata\exif and copy ExifDescriptor.class into the same location in the new jar file. It is quite easy, just use WinRar. Stop the ColdFusion server. Copy new file into ColdFusion lib folder (C:\ColdFusion9\lib) and remove old file and back it up. Restart the ColdFusion server. I also attached modified Jar file bellow.

Download (metadata-extractor-2.6.4-cf.jar)
Friday 30 January 2015 06:51 AM
Hi pal, i have faced the similar error with change of this function. Thanks for the new version data link, i hope i can come up with new one without errors. So now it's easy to keep the date version. I would like to make a try with this new file by replacing the old one.
Friday 05 December 2014 02:43 PM
mesec bo brez bolnišnico. Kot so poročali v Nadym Centralna bolnišnica, ki je edino mesto v porodnišnici zaprta za rutinsko razkuževanje.Nov rekonstrukcija bolnišnice, ki se je začel po tragediji s smrtjo štirih dojenčke od bolnišničnih okužb ..
Tuesday 02 December 2014 01:09 AM
The programming dialect utilized with that stage is likewise normally called Coldfusion, however is all the more precisely known as CFML. Coldfusion was initially intended to make it simpler to associate basic HTML pages to a database.
Saturday 06 April 2013 01:26 AM
Hi~ i got a same error too.
I had changed new version of metadata-extractor, but other error messages appeared. It seems to be that there is no ExifDirectory.class in new version metadata-extractor.jar.
Saturday 06 April 2013 10:33 AM
You are correct. I forgot that bit. I just upload the modified jar file.
Tuesday 20 August 2013 02:08 AM
It does not error out when I open a image but now it does not extract the geotag, when I do a dump it does not show any results.